The Doctor's Doctor - Dr. Mandel

ICL vs LASIK Surgery: Which Is Better?

Icl Vs Lasik

Prior to the 1990s, patients with refractive errors had limited treatment options. If you were nearsighted, you had the choice between wearing glasses or contact lenses to correct your vision.

Nowadays, your options have greatly expanded. If you find glasses or contacts hold you back, or they don’t offer the functional day-to-day vision that you desire, you may choose to undergo laser vision correction surgery (LASIK). Another alternative is to opt for a lesser-known treatment option: implantable contact lenses, or EVO ICLs.

Read on as Mark Mandel, MD, discusses EVO ICLs in more detail and explains why you may prefer ICLs over LASIK.

No Permanent Change to the Cornea’s Shape

Unlike LASIK, correcting refractive errors with EVO ICLs does not require the removal of any corneal tissue. Instead, the lenses are simply implanted behind the colored part of the eye (iris) and work with the natural structures of the eyes to enable clear vision. This makes EVO ICLs a good option for you if you feel uncomfortable with the idea of permanently altering your eye’s natural structures.

The placement of EVO ICLs is a quick outpatient procedure requiring about 20 minutes per eye. Once the ICLs are implanted, vision usually improves within 24 hours.

Although it is exceptionally rare, the lenses can be removed if desired or needed. For instance, if something happens to your eyes or the lenses themselves, they can be surgically removed during a simple procedure. If something happens to your eyes after LASIK to threaten the stability of your cornea, there is no way to replace the tissue that was removed.

Suitable for Candidates Who May Not Qualify for LASIK

LASIK has helped tens of millions of people overcome refractive errors, but it is not suitable for everyone. If you have a history of chronic dry eye, naturally thin corneas or keratoconus, it is highly unlikely that any reputable doctor would recommend you for LASIK. Performing LASIK on chronically dry eyes or eyes with thin corneas can raise the risk of complications. On the other hand, you are more likely to qualify for EVO ICLs, which do not carry such stipulations for prospective candidates. (An examination and consultation with Mark Mandel, MD, can confirm whether you are a good candidate for ICLs.)

Improve Your Vision with ICLs

If you are interested in clearer vision without glasses or contacts, ICLs may be a good option for you. Please contact Bay Area eye surgeon Mark Mandel, MD, by sending an email or calling 877-210-2020 ext. 3 today.