The Doctor's Doctor - Dr. Mandel

Dry Eye

How to Treat Dry Eye

Dry eye is a condition that occurs when your body is unable to produce enough tears to lubricate the eyes, or the tears you produce are of poor quality. If you experience dry eye, your eyes will feel itchy and uncomfortable. Having dry eye can also cause blurry vision and a sensitivity to light, and…

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What Are Punctal Plugs?

Usually the first line of defense against dry eye disease is to identify common lifestyle or environmental factors that could be contributing to symptoms, and then systematically eliminate those factors. If you see Bay Area ophthalmologist and cornea specialist Mark Mandel, MD, for dry eye

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Study Suggests Dry Eye Affects More Than Just the Eyes

People with dry eye have more than itchy, irritated red eyes to worry about. According to a recent study, those with dry eye report an overall lower quality of life. In addition, the group of over 1,000 dry eye patients report that they have difficulty performing everyday tasks and have higher levels of anxiety and worse overall health than individuals without dry eye.

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Four Ways to Fight Dry Eye

Dry eye is a common condition that affects more than 100 million people. Common symptoms of dry eye include burning, a dry sensation, itchiness, eye fatigue, blurred vision and red eyes. Dry eye is characterized by a chronic lack of sufficient moisture on the surface of the eye. There can be many causes of dry eye. Here, Optima Eye shares four simple yet effective ways to keep your eyes moist and happy.

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