Mark R. Mandel, MD Blog

3 Benefits of Cataract Surgery for Early Cataracts

early cataract surgery

Your eye has a clear, natural lens which is crucial to vision. Over time, age and other factors can lead to your eye’s lens becoming cloudy. This cloudiness is known as cataracts. Cataracts can cause a number of issues, including blurred vision. Bay Area early cataract surgeon Mark Mandel, MD, recommends laser cataract surgery for patients suffering from blurry vision due to cataracts. Here, he discusses the three benefits of cataract surgery for early cataracts.

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How to Treat Dry Eye

Dry eye is a condition that occurs when your body is unable to produce enough tears to lubricate the eyes, or the tears you produce are of poor quality. If you experience dry eye, your eyes will feel itchy and uncomfortable. Having dry eye can also cause blurry vision and a sensitivity to light, and…

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